Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman is on the up and up, or so he thinks. In fact, he thinks he’s about to replace one of his party’s top members.
News of this comes from The Washington Post, where writer Liz Goodwin recently spoke to the mostly incoherent Fetterman on Friday.
With New Jersey Senator Robert Menedez now in official trouble with yet another bribery indictment, Goodwin was obviously there to discuss Fetterman’s opinion of the case. (Fetterman says Menedez is a crook but not a “vegetable.”)
But what she really got was Fetterman’s plan to rise and take West Virginia’s Joe Manchin’s parking spot next year.
As you may know, Fetterman kind of has it out for Manchin.
You may remember that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer decided to do away with the unwritten and more formal dress code for the Upper Chamber earlier in the year. Basically, it would allow Fetterman to wear his preferred gym shorts and hoodies on the Senate floor.
However, Manchin was not at all for the change.
In fact, he started a “movement to officially codify the more formal version of the dress code in a resolution that he originally called ‘Show Our Respect to the Senate Resolution, or SHIRTS for short,” the Post noted.
“Fetterman, who lives in shorts, interpreted the acronym as a personal insult and said he felt furious at Manchin for a while over it.”
However, as Fetterman told Goodwin, he’s let that anger go for the most part.
Why? Well, as 2024 approaches, he’s just going to put all his hopes in Manchin losing his reelection bid.
“At first, I was really kind of angry. And then I realized, well, he’s not going to be around much longer, and I’m going to get his parking space.”
So he’s hoping one of his own will lose, and in a year when the Democrats can’t afford a single loss, let alone the ten expected – and all because he can’t wear shorts on the Senate floor?
Yeah, I wouldn’t count on getting that parking space…