If Democrats are so sure illegal immigrants don’t vote in elections, why are they so opposed to the SAVE Act? According to them, the bill would make no difference. It would be just as easy and look better for them to pass it and be done if, as they say, it won’t make a difference anyway.
The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, proposed by Representative Chip Roy and Senator Mike Lee, along with other Republicans, would require people to prove they’re citizens in person when registering to vote. It sets rules on what documents count as proof and requires voter registration agencies to follow these rules. The bill also tells states to remove non-citizens from voter lists and increase penalties for those who let non-citizens vote in federal elections.
It would create a new program for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA) to share information with states’ voter registration systems. States would use this information to check whether people trying to register are non-citizens through the DHS’s Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements program and the SSA’s Social Security Number Verification Service.
Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) and 49 other Republicans introduced the SAVE Act in the House. U.S. Sen. Mike Lee from Utah and other senators introduced the same bill in the Senate.
Supporters of the bill are worried about the number of people illegally entering the country. They are concerned that, instead of being deported, many of these people are being registered to vote.
House Speaker Mike Johnson said that there are so many non-citizens in the country now that if just one out of every 100 of them voted, they would cast hundreds of thousands of votes. This high number of non-citizen votes is a big concern for many Americans because it could change the outcome of U.S. elections.
But Democrats aren’t interested in fixing this issue. They say it’s already illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections. However, the fact that illegal immigrants have already broken the law by crossing the border shows they don’t care much about U.S. laws.
Johnson notes that there’s no system to ensure that only citizens register or vote. He pointed out that if someone wants to influence elections unlawfully, they could check a box and sign a form. There’s a low chance they’d get caught because states lack the necessary election systems to verify their information.
Johnson noted that noncitizens can easily register to vote at welfare offices or the DMV. He pointed out that states cannot currently require proof of citizenship when people use the federal voter registration form.
He also mentioned that some states now allow non-citizens to vote in local municipal elections, further “blurring the line” between citizens and non-citizens.
House Minority Whip Katherine Clark sent a message, known as a “Whip Question,” to House Democrats urging them to vote against the bill.
House Minority Whip Katherine Clark told House Democrats not to support the SAVE Act. She says it would change the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) to make everyone in the country prove they’re citizens when they register to vote. She says people couldn’t use just their driver’s license to sign up because REAL ID doesn’t show if someone’s a citizen, and non-citizens can get one, too. She thinks this would mean only a passport could be used to sign up to vote.
Democrats, who don’t have a majority in the House, won’t be able to stop the SAVE Act from passing. But President Joe Biden said he’d stop it with a veto if it somehow made it to his desk.
Democrats are eying the registrations more than the illegal vote. Ballots are appearing at vacant homes, gas stations, apartment complexes, malls, and other places where they can be intercepted and fraudulently filled out by Democrats.
This is just another way Democrats play the long game. They’re more committed to their plans than Republicans. It makes sense that they won’t support the SAVE Act because it could derail everything they’ve worked hard for while Joe Biden has been president.