The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has issued a wordy report to Congress titled, “Management Alert – ICE Cannot Monitor All Unaccompanied Migrant Children Released from DHS and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Custody.” Border Czar Kamala Harris has allowed 448,000 illegal alien kids into the country that are now our responsibility because we’re a nation of idiots. According to the report from the OIG, ICE has lost 32,000 of those kids and can no longer account for them.
How do you suppose one loses tens of thousands of children? For most Americans, if we lost just one at the grocery store, our spouses would never let us hear the end of it. Plus, think of all the phone calls you’d have to make to your relatives if you lost one of your children.
“Hey sis, remember your nephew Ralphie? Hoo boy! This is awkward, but…”
Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) under Border Czar Kamala Harris has somehow managed to lose 32,000 illegal alien kids. If you make a mistake at your job occasionally, that’s natural. We’re all human. But losing 32,000 kids? A cynical person might start to think that there’s something suspicious going on!
Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have turned out to be the biggest child traffickers in the history of the world. This whole “unaccompanied minors” nonsense at the border is just a huge scam designed to play on the emotions of gullible Americans.
As the foreign invaders are making their way through Central America and Mexico to our southern border, they either kidnap a child or rent one from the drug cartels. They waltz across the southern border while pretending to be a family. Immigration officials look at them and say, “Oh, my gosh! They have a child! It’s a FAMILY! We have to let them in and pay them welfare for life! Duhhh! Durrrr! Duhhh!” (We’re paraphrasing what immigration officials probably say.)
The first thing that these “parents” do once they’re in the United States is dump the poor rented or kidnapped child out in the desert someplace and abandon them. Then the illegals travel on their merry way to their “free” luxury hotel rooms so they can watch porn all day on their “free” Obamaphones while waiting for their next welfare check and complaining that we don’t give them enough freebies.
Meanwhile, ICE or the Border Patrol picks up the poor kid wandering out in the desert and now they’re suddenly our responsibility too. If you call losing 32,000 children “being responsible,” that is.
According to the OIG report, a lot of these kids are lost because their fake parents never show up for their assigned immigration court hearings. That’s not surprising. The illegals all ask for asylum as refugees. We know from when the Trump administration had operational control of the border that 99.5% of all asylum claims are rejected if the illegals show up for court. That’s because almost none of them qualify as “refugees” under the legal definition.
They’re not fleeing their home countries because they’re being persecuted by the government for their political beliefs, religious beliefs, or weird sex lives. They’re coming to America because they’re bored and lazy and they know that we’re stupid enough to financially support them once they’re inside the country. That’s not a “refugee.”
According to the OIG report, ICE has failed to even set court dates for an additional 291,000 illegal alien kids. That means there could actually be more than 32,000 missing children—they just don’t know it yet.
The government always calls us right-wing conspiracy theorists for wondering if there are elite pedophile rings around the world that are preying on kids. If they want to sound more credible, maybe they shouldn’t be losing 32,000 children that they’re responsible for.