Have you noticed that the news media coverage of the Hurricane Helene rescue and recovery effort has been a bit scanty lately? It’s like it never happened! There are still dozens of people missing in North Carolina and the Biden-Harris regime is doing nothing to help with the relief efforts. Someone did the math and realized that this “administration” has given two to three times as much money to entire foreign nations compared to the pittance that they offered American hurricane victims.
Kamala Harris proudly announced that they would be offering $750 in relief to every hurricane victim. Whoopee. You can’t even stay in a fleabag motel for a week in this economy for that amount of money. That’s assuming you could even find a fleabag motel that didn’t collapse in the hurricane.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have sent so much money to Ukraine this year in military assistance that it amounts to $1,526 for every man, woman, and child in that country. Likewise, they’ve sent enough to Israel to provide $2,381 for every citizen there.
But our own hurricane victims in America?
$750. That’s all they’re worth to Biden-Harris.
Many of the victims in the hurricane zone have lost their homes and their livelihoods. They’re struggling just to come up with basic necessities right now, such as food, water, fuel, and shelter. Imagine being one of those Americans and knowing that your government has sent so much taxpayer money overseas to help other people first.
“America Last” is the message that Democrats are offering the voters this November. If you want a government that cares more about foreigners than it does about your friends, your neighbors, your loved ones, and you, then vote to give Kamala Harris four more years in power.