There they go again! Those wacky illegal aliens are once again doing the jobs that most Americans are unwilling to do. According to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, dozens of heartless looters have been arrested for burglary, armed robbery, grand theft, trespassing, and other crimes in the wake of the recent devastating hurricane. The sheriff’s office says that almost every looter they’ve caught is an illegal alien who was allowed into the country by Border Czar Kamala Harris.
Sheriff’s deputies have now arrested 45 people on looting-related charges in the disaster zone. Forty-one of them were illegal aliens.
On top of that, deputies stopped and questioned an additional 196 people who were acting suspiciously in Pinellas County. They didn’t have enough probable cause to detain them. However, deputies noted that 163 of them were illegal aliens.
For those not keeping track with their calculators at home, that means that 91% of the arrested looters and 83% of the suspected looters in Pinellas County are in the country illegally. It’s not very surprising when you think about it.
Every one of the so-called “migrants” broke the law to enter the country. They have no ties to our history, culture, or traditions and could care less if they victimize people who are already suffering from devastating storms. What do they care? They’re just looking to make a quick buck by looting, stealing, and robbing Americans.
They have no sense of neighborliness toward the Americans whose homes have been destroyed in these storms. People in Florida are accustomed to devastating hurricanes and they know that we’re all in this together. These foreign invaders have no similar feelings. They’re just looking out for themselves.
The Pinellas County Sheriff says they’ve deployed an additional 80 deputies to the hurricane zone specifically to hunt down and stop looters. Another 58 people have been arrested for scamming hurricane victims out of money over promised repairs that were never made. The sheriff’s office didn’t say how many of them were also illegals.