The week before the 2024 election, another caravan of illegal aliens entered southern Mexico and started the trek toward our southern border. Relief agencies put the number of people in the caravan at roughly 3,000. They hailed from all over the world and hoped to make it into the US under a Kamala Harris presidency. Their dreams of becoming cradle-to-grave welfare leeches coddled in luxury by the American taxpayers were shattered when President Donald Trump won his re-election bid. That was all it took to convince the caravan that the trip suddenly might not be worth it.
By the Thursday after the election, the caravan had diminished to around 1,600. More than 100 of them asked the Mexican authorities to help them return to Tapachula, a city near the border with Guatemala. No one is sure where the rest of them ended up going.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris just spent the past four years lying to the American public and claiming they were doing everything they could to solve the border crisis. They created the crisis by incentivizing illegal immigration. Who wouldn’t want to come to America when the federal and blue state governments were going to coddle them like this?
The illegals are showered with taxpayer-funded gifts and stay in luxury hotels. Pre-paid debit cards, “free” Obamaphones that allow them to watch porn at maximum volume at the bus station, “free” dry cleaning, “free” healthcare, and all the cats they can eat are just a few of the perks that the illegals received.
One illegal alien who left Venezuela to join the current caravan told Reuters, “I had hoped (Kamala Harris) would win, but that didn’t happen.”
She sure didn’t! You may as well not come to the United States now, illegal aliens. Even if you make it to the southern border before January 20th, the benefits, perks, and freebies that you were promised are going to dry up shortly after that. Isn’t it funny how foreigners suddenly don’t want to come here and violate our immigration laws when you take away their “free” stuff?
Of course, this is something that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris could have done all along if they actually cared about the country. Just enforcing the existing laws on the books and keeping Donald Trump’s immigration reforms in place would have prevented many from coming. The illegals are very honest about why they’re trying to come here. They expect lots of welfare and they had a very good sense that Joe Biden and the cowards in Congress would have granted them permanent amnesty.
President Trump has promised in interviews since the election that he has “no choice” but to carry out the largest deportation effort in American history. The damage that 15 to 30 million illegal aliens have done to our country is incalculable. Our schools and hospitals are clogged with illegals and the US housing market has been destroyed. Crime has gone through the roof despite the lies of the regime in power.
President Trump has also vowed to abolish America’s insane anchor baby policy in his second term. This will prevent the illegals from overwhelming red states with their votes once all their anchor babies reach adulthood. Which was the whole point of keeping the border open. Our feckless leaders want to replace us with foreigners who will be compliant and loyal to the Democrat Party.
By disbanding the current caravan and deciding to stay in Mexico, the illegals are avoiding the inevitable. They might make it into the US before January 20th, but they’ll have no reason to stay after that. It’s better for them to just cut their losses and head back home now.