Biden Expands War on Family Farms with Raw Milk Testing for ‘Bird Flu’

Yanawut.S /
Yanawut.S /

The people running the unelected Biden regime are not content with their lame-duck status. They’re trying to wreck as many things in America as possible before they’re forced to leave on January 20th. The Biden regime is now moving to force all dairy farms to adopt a strict new regimen of testing the milk supply for bird flu. The move is aimed at destroying small farms and the Amish for wanting to provide consumers with healthy raw milk.

No one with knowledge of agriculture is worried about dairy cows catching bird flu. Yet the USDA under Biden is now ordering all dairy farms to submit to expensive bird flu testing of the milk supply.

This is an example of the exact type of Big Ag and Big Food corruption that incoming HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is always talking about. The big industrial dairy farms will have no problem complying with the new rules and testing their milk supply daily. It’s the smaller competitor farms that offer raw milk (and the Amish) that will be financially punished by the government if they don’t comply with the “solution” to a nonexistent problem.

The good news is that the American people are waking up to the dangers of all the chemicals in our food supply. RFK, Jr., highlighted many of the problems with our industrialized food supply which is saturated with chemicals that are making us all sicker and fatter.

This last-minute move by the Biden regime to bankrupt small, independent dairy farms smacks of desperation. Big Ag and Big Food know that big changes to their business model will come once the Trump administration is back in charge. They really don’t want the incoming administration to Make America Healthy Again.