In a move that can only be described as peak Washington theater, President Joe Biden has decided to bestow the Presidential Citizens Medal upon former Representative Liz Cheney. Yes, you heard that right. Liz Cheney, the same person who spent her tenure as a Republican congresswoman from Wyoming aligning with Democrats more often than not, is now being celebrated for her ‘exemplary deeds of service for their country or their fellow citizens.’
Let’s take a moment to unpack this. The Presidential Citizens Medal is one of the nation’s highest civilian honors, second only to the Presidential Medal of Freedom. It’s intended to recognize individuals who have performed exemplary deeds of service for their country or fellow citizens. And in the current administration’s view, Cheney’s role as vice-chair of the January 6th Committee fits this bill.
Now, it’s worth noting that this committee was ostensibly bipartisan, yet seemed to operate with a singular focus: to paint former President Donald Trump and his supporters in the worst possible light. Cheney’s participation was marked by a relentless pursuit of this narrative, often at the expense of addressing the genuine concerns of her constituents in Wyoming. Is this what now qualifies as ‘exemplary service’?
President Biden, in his remarks, stated that these honorees are ‘bonded by their common decency and commitment to serving others.’ One has to wonder, does this ‘decency’ include Cheney’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris, a Democrat, over her own party’s nominee? Or perhaps it’s her alignment with policies that many Republicans find antithetical to conservative values?
It’s also quite telling that other recipients of this medal include individuals like Mary Bonauto and Evan Wolfson, both prominent figures in the movement to legalize same-sex marriage. While their contributions are significant, their inclusion alongside Cheney suggests a particular ideological slant to this roster of honorees.
Let’s not forget the timing of this award. Coming on the heels of an election cycle where Cheney actively campaigned against her own party’s nominee, this medal seems less like a recognition of service and more like a political pat on the back for a job well done in undermining the Republican base.
In the grand tradition of Washington politics, this move by President Biden appears to be less about genuine recognition of service and more about sending a message. A message that if you play ball with the right (or should we say left?) team, there’s a shiny medal waiting for you at the end of the game.
For conservative Republicans, especially those over 40 who have witnessed the shifting sands of political alliances, this is yet another reminder of the swamp’s depth. It’s a testament to the fact that in today’s political climate, principles often take a backseat to opportunism.
So, as President Biden places the medal around Liz Cheney’s neck, one can’t help but wonder: Is this truly about honoring service to the nation, or is it about rewarding service to a particular political agenda? The distinction, though subtle, is significant. And for many conservatives, it’s a distinction that speaks volumes about the current state of our union.
In conclusion, while the Presidential Citizens Medal is meant to honor those who have performed exemplary deeds, its latest recipient raises questions about the criteria for such an honor. Is it about genuine service to the nation, or is it about aligning with the prevailing political winds? For Liz Cheney, it seems the latter has paved the way to her newfound ‘honor.’