Did This Ohio Hunter Just See Bigfoot? Or Was It Something Stranger?

Jean Faucett / shutterstock.com
Jean Faucett / shutterstock.com

In a story that will have you second-guessing every time you step into the woods, a Mansfield man has reported a possible Sasquatch sighting, and it’s got the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) buzzing.

On December 28, 2024, Andrew Baum, 35, was out hunting with his stepfather, Shawn, on 150 acres of farmland straddling Interstate 71 in Richland County, Ohio. Just before the sun began to set, Andrew climbed into a tree stand to get a better view of the land. He scanned the open fields below, enjoying the view, when he saw it—a creature moving fast across the field. Not a run, but a purposeful, almost unreasonably fast stride.

It was like a Bigfoot, or a very big person, moving like they were trying to cross a lot of ground quickly, Baum reported. “It had fast big steps, not running but still covering ground faster than someone should.”

And, of course, no phone or camera was at hand. Typical. Just a guy, high up in a tree stand, about to have a once-in-a-lifetime sighting and without a single piece of equipment.

The BFRO, upon hearing Baum’s tale, conducted a thorough follow-up, including a phone call with the man and a chat with his stepdad (who could be faintly heard in the background, probably nodding along, silently wishing he’d remembered his camera). The BFRO concluded that Baum seemed credible, though they couldn’t entirely rule out the possibility of it being an unusually tall person walking across the field. You know, one with extra-long legs and an unnatural sprinting speed.

Meanwhile, the property owner, who reportedly gave the hunters permission to roam his land, preferred to stay out of the limelight. He didn’t want any extra attention or trespassers. Understandable since who knows what’s lurking around on those 150 acres? It could be a Sasquatch—or just a man with an extremely fast walk.

So, whether it was Bigfoot or just an unusually tall, fast-moving person (and who are we to judge?), we’ll probably never know for sure. But one thing’s certain—if you’re hunting in Ohio, it’s probably a good idea to bring a camera. You might just catch a glimpse of the unexplainable. Or an unusually long-legged jogger.