Does Kamala Harris Love America or Not? Here’s What Her Actions Tell Us

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Let’s get real about Kamala Harris. The question isn’t just whether she “says” she loves America. The real question is: does she actually love America? If you look at her record, it’s pretty clear she’s not exactly sending the country love letters. In fact, it seems like she’s got more beef with the U.S. than admiration.

First, let’s talk about Harris’s warm embrace of the 1619 Project. You know, the one that tries to rewrite American history, making slavery the focal point of the nation’s story. Back in 2019, when the New York Times launched the project, Harris was all in, calling it a “masterpiece.” She wholeheartedly backed the idea that America’s foundation was built on the exploitation of enslaved people.

Now, if you know anything about the 1619 Project, you know its mission was to “reframe” America’s history by putting slavery right at the center. It pushed this wild idea that America wasn’t really founded in 1776, but in 1619, when the first African slaves were brought here. Oh, and it went further, claiming that the American Revolution itself was fought to protect slavery. Yep, you read that right—apparently the Founders weren’t all about liberty and justice; they were just a bunch of hypocrites who didn’t believe their own rhetoric in the Declaration of Independence.

The 1619 Project is the definition of anti-American. It paints the entire American experiment as fundamentally rotten and corrupt. So, when Harris sings its praises, it’s hard not to wonder if she’s on the same page. Does she really love America, or does she just love trashing its history?

Harris’s enduring love of “reparations” is another red flag. During her short-lived 2020 presidential run, she promised—at a conference hosted by none other than Al Sharpton—that she’d sign a bill to study reparations for descendants of slaves.

If you think her views on American history and slavery are extreme, just wait until you hear her thoughts on the Constitution. When she was running in the Democratic primary in 2020, Harris repeatedly pitched a vision of executive power that would make even the most power-hungry president blush. She promised she’d take “executive action” on gun control if Congress didn’t pass the laws she wanted within 100 days. She made the same promise for drug prices, acting like she could just write laws herself if Congress wasn’t moving fast enough for her liking.

It didn’t stop there. She also vowed to push through Obama-era immigration policies that courts had already blocked, like DAPA, and even had the plan to use the Department of Justice to force states to get approval for any abortion law—basically treating Roe v. Wade like it was carved in stone.

Her plans were so unconstitutional that even Joe Biden had to remind her about the limits of executive power during a debate. What was her response? She shrugged it off with a condescending, “Hey, Joe, instead of saying ‘no we can’t,’ how about we say ‘yes we can?'”

During the Black Lives Matter riots in 2020, she actively helped raise money to bail out rioters, looters, and vandals, showcasing her contempt for law and order. “The people’s voices must be heard,” she said, apparently okay with those voices being accompanied by smashed windows and stolen goods. She then called the protests “an essential evolution in our country,” adding that it was “a mark of a real democracy.”

So, does Kamala Harris really love America? Maybe, in some distant, alternate universe where America looks like her ideal version of a socialist utopia. But one thing’s for sure: she doesn’t have much affection for the country’s past, and she’s got some serious issues with its present. If her policies and statements are anything to go by, she seems far more interested in tearing down the old system and replacing it with one where people like her get to call all the shots.

When you add it all up, Harris’s record shows a deep disdain for America as it stands today. No matter how much she insists on loving America during campaign speeches, her words and actions tell a very different story. If this is her version of “love,” maybe America should start looking for a restraining order.