If you are anything like me, you usually find yourself siding with whoever is against Democratic President Joe Biden, as his disastrous policies have pretty much run our country into the ground over the past three years. However, in this case, I’m not sure who to side with.
Let’s see what you think.
As I mentioned, Biden has very few policies that most of us would tend to agree with. His current stance on Israel happens to be one of them.
Unlike a great many on the political left, Biden has, to his credit, adamantly decided to stick with and support our democratic ally in the Middle East. However, he hasn’t condemned Israel’s enemies, either.
Apparently, the former, not the latter, has greatly angered at least one European socialist, a woman from Ireland who claims Biden’s Irish ancestors would disown him for such.
Of course, like most raving leftists, there is questionable sanity with this lawmaker.
Enter Claire Daly.
As I said, she’s a member of the European Parliament and from Ireland, as well as a self-described socialist. As such, she’s very much against Israel and its efforts to defend itself against the terrorist Hamas and its supporters.
During a recent parliament session in Strasbourg, France, Daly went on a rant, attacking Biden and basically disowning him – and all because he supports Israel.
She said, “Despite the catastrophic death toll it has inflicted, Israel is losing on the ground and in the court of public opinion. There’s no way that this ends that doesn’t leave Israel a pariah state with occupation and apartheid on borrowed time.”
The gist of this first bit is basically that Israel is suddenly realizing there are consequences for their actions. Apparently, their years of “occupation” in the Middle East (the act) have led to war and death (the consequences).
Daly, therefore, believes or at least seems to imply that Israel deserves their fate.
But “Butcher Biden is reporting for duty” and mucking all that up.
“So take note, Butcher Biden. The ancestors of Ireland that you claim to be from disown you.”
As I said, I’m usually all for whoever opposes Biden. In this case, though, maybe not.
Perhaps everyone wins if these two dismantle each other.