The National Health Service (NHS) England is taking steps that American medical professionals refuse to and is now banning puberty blockers for transgender kids. Proposed back in June 2023, they waited for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to do a full review before acting.
According to an NHS spokeswoman, “NHS England has carefully considered the evidence review conducted by NICE and further published evidence available to date. We have concluded that there is not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness of puberty-suppressing hormones to make the treatment routinely available at this time.”
The health minister of England, Maria Caulfield, supported the move and the study results. “We welcome this landmark decision by the NHS to end the routine prescription of puberty blockers and this guidance which recognizes that care must be based on evidence, expert clinical opinion, and in the best interests of the child. The NHS must ensure its Gender Identity Services protect, support, and act in the best interests of children and we will continue to work with NHS England to protect children in this area.”
While the LGBTQ community is not happy with this revelation, that’s not surprising. Their belief that kids are capable of making these decisions for themselves should be criminal and should result in the guardians of these children being imprisoned. Neither the UK nor the US allows kids to purchase and consume alcohol, nor do they allow them to purchase and use tobacco. Making a major change to their body like getting tattoos is also something we restrict based on age.
This restriction based on age is because we have resoundingly determined that brains and bodies are still developing below the age of 18, with the US blocking alcohol until you are 21. Making kids wait to make life-changing medical decisions should be no different. Despite LGBTQ activist’s proclamations to the contrary, it does far less harm to wait than it does to just let these kids jump in head first.