Indiana School Demands Student Remove Truck’s American Flag – It Didn’t End Well for the School


One plucky high school student from St. Leon, Indiana, makes waves wherever he goes. More accurately, his American flag waves proudly from the back of his Dodge 4×4 truck wherever he goes.

Cameron Blasek, a high school senior at East Central High School in Sunman, Indiana, attached the flag to his truck in the summer of 2023 and continued to drive it to his school throughout the fall and winter. But last week, Blasek was approached by a school counselor who told him to remove it because it could cause other students to fly flags that “are seen as offensive.”

The story went viral overnight after Libs of TikTok posted it on X, generating more than 6 million views.

The school did not answer questions about rules regarding American flags, which Blasek insists are not in the handbook. “I read through the 2023-2024 Handbook, and the word ‘flag’ wasn’t even mentioned in the parking lot or driving section. The only section it’s mentioned in is the flag-twirling section.”

The day after Blasek was told to remove the flag, he found a parking lot full of student vehicles displaying it proudly. He said he was shocked by the outpouring of support, which put the school in an awkward position. School administrators were now forced to back down from their initial request that Blasek remove his flag, with principal Tom Black sending a note home to parents offering “clarification” amidst “concerns and confusion.”

Black stated that no one in his school had ever suggested the U.S. flag was offensive and denied that the school had received a complaint about flying it. He hastened to point out that every day, classes commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance and that the flag is in every classroom and in front of the school.

The day after the silent revolution in the parking lot, Black noted, “After consulting with other administrators, we determined that we would allow the U.S. Flag to be displayed.”

The story mirrors another student’s fight. In 2023, Christopher Hartless, a student at Staunton River High School in Virginia, gained attention for refusing to remove two American flags from his vehicle. As a result, he chose to leave the school and pursue homeschooling, a decision fully supported by his family.

Blasek and Hartless are two courageous teens offering renewed hope for the youth in this country. They represent seemingly small victories that might be the saving grace for the future of America.