RINO Texas House Speaker Threatened with Jail for Ducking Audit

CrackerClips Stock Media / shutterstock.com
CrackerClips Stock Media / shutterstock.com

Texas Speaker of the House Dade Phelan (R) is refusing to comply with a state audit over his sham impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton earlier this year. Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick is now warning the RINOs controlling the Texas House that if they don’t comply with the State Auditor, they could end up doing jail time. The deadline when they were supposed to submit their financial statements related to the sham impeachment has now come and gone.

“When the Texas House requests the State Auditor to audit a state agency, the Speaker [Dade Phelan] expects that agency to respond to the State Auditor before or at the deadline,” said Patrick.

Lt. Gov. Patrick oversaw the Senate trial of Paxton in which the Attorney General was completely exonerated. It really was an embarrassing spectacle, as anyone who watched could tell you.

Paxton was accused, among other things, of accepting bribes by having someone remodel his kitchen. Paxton’s attorney simply showed the Senate “before and after” photos of Paxton’s kitchen, which was unchanged. His kitchen had never been remodeled. Yes, this impeachment trial was even dumber than the Ukraine phone call impeachment of President Trump.

“However, the Speaker apparently believes the rules don’t apply to him and the House when THEY are audited,” Patrick continued. “They ignored the submission deadline and, so far, have stiffed the State Auditor by withholding their impeachment spending totals. This is outrageous behavior.”

Patrick notes that it’s a crime under Texas state law to deny documents to the State Auditor when they are required to look at the books. If House Republicans, especially the Speaker whose own constituents refer to as “Drunk Dade,” don’t turn over those documents, guess who would be prosecuting them?

That would be the popular MAGA Attorney General Ken Paxton, who they just wasted a bunch of time and taxpayer money trying to impeach.