Indian Family Flees the Country After School Tries to Secretly Trans Their Child

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Two elementary students from India attending school in Olympia, WA, vanished in June of 2022. They weren’t abducted by strangers. The parents of the kids quietly moved to Oregon without telling anyone before deciding to flee the country entirely. The reason why the family left was because a teacher was secretly trying to transition their 10-year-old daughter.

The parents had been shocked to the core to learn that the school had socially transitioned their daughter at school without their knowledge or consent. Teachers and other students were referring to her as a boy at school, dressing her in boy’s clothing (provided by the deviant teacher, of course), and using he/him pronouns when addressing the little girl.

The Olympia School District was one of more than 1,000 districts across the country that are secretly transitioning kids at school. When the parents discovered that their little girl had a secret identity as a boy at the school, which they absolutely don’t support, the school district threatened to take their daughter away for not “affirming” her.

The community was shocked in 2023—after the family had fled Washington State—when emails that the teacher had been privately sending the little girl became public. The teacher encouraged the 10-year-old to keep everything a secret from her parents and even offered to take the girl away from her parents if they found out.

Local mom and activist Alesha Perkins published the emails on her Facebook page.

“This is probably the most disturbing thing that I’ve seen because it is on such a level of coordinated deception that so many people have to play a part in, including young children,” said Perkins. Even the kids at the school were encouraged to keep up the deception from the parents.

The situation was so bad that the family finally fled the country altogether.

Every school administrator and teacher who participated in these secret transitioning policies needs to be fired, put on trial, jailed, and put on the sex offender registry for life. These people have no idea the firestorm that’s going to be unleashed against them when parents have finally had enough.