It should always be assumed that when a liberal-backed media outlet such as ABC hosts an interview with a conservative, things are going to get out of hand. And by out of hand, I mean ABC is going to take everything that person said and spin it so it fits their narrative rather than reality.
Unsurprisingly, that is precisely what happened recently when conservative Senator JD Vance of Ohio made an appearance on ABC’s “This Week” with host and former Clinton White House advisor George Stephanopoulos.
As you can imagine the mere fact that these two sit at the complete opposite end of the fence should give us some indication that a polite and simple conversation isn’t going to be had. But what is heard and seen ends up being hostile, at the very least.
Near the end of the segment, Stephanopoulos plays a clip of Vance in 2021, before he was a member of Congress, in which he advises Trump, should he become POTUS again, to “fire every single mid-level bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people.”
Vance also said in that clip that if a court ruled against Trump, he should “stand before the country like Andrew Jackson did, and say, ‘The chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.”
Naturally, Stephanopoulos turned this against Vance, asking, “You think it’s OK for the president to defy the Supreme Court?”
And then, when Vance tried to answer, Stephanopoulos interrupted him not once but twice. Finally, when the senator was able to speak and give his opinion, the ABC host only let him do so before quickly summarizing what Vance said in a way that contradicted it and then abruptly ended the conversation.
“You’ve made it very clear you believe the president can defy the Supreme Court. Senator, thanks for your time this morning.”
GOP Sen. JD Vance tells @GStephanopoulos that the U.S. has “a major problem here with administrators and bureaucrats in the government who don't respond to the elected branches.” https://t.co/n4YqCd6W4C pic.twitter.com/VmUBBPxkPC
— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) February 4, 2024
I remind you that this ‘question’ isn’t even a legitimate one, as no one is talking about defying SCOTUS. But leave it to a liberal mouthpiece like Stephanopoulos to make something out of nothing – and be rude about it to boot.